Top 5 NPS/CSAT Software Companies: A Comprehensive Guide

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Top 5 NPS/CSAT Software Companies: A Comprehensive Guide

Top 5 NPS/CSAT Software Companies: A Comprehensive Guide


Understanding customer satisfaction (CSAT) and measuring the Net Promoter Score (NPS) are critical for sustainable growth and customer retention. Businesses need robust tools to use these metrics accurately, and several software companies have emerged as leaders in this space. This article delves into the best five NPS/CSAT software companies, offering insights into their features, benefits, and why they stand out. Additionally, we’ll discuss how implementing a tool like for customer support can significantly boost NPS and CSAT scores.

1. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a widely recognized platform for creating and distributing surveys, known for its extensive capabilities and ease of use.


  • Customizable Surveys: Offers numerous templates and extensive customization to fit specific survey needs.

  • Advanced Analytics: Provides robust tools to analyze survey data and extract actionable insights.

  • Pre-built Templates: Includes ready-to-use NPS and CSAT survey templates.

  • Seamless Integration: Integrates with many CRM and business tools, facilitating smooth data synchronization.


  • User-friendly Interface: Accessible to users of all technical levels.

  • Scalability: Suitable for businesses of all sizes.

  • Immediate Feedback: Allows for real-time feedback collection and analysis.

Why SurveyMonkey Stands Out
SurveyMonkey’s flexibility and comprehensive features make it a top choice for businesses aiming to implement or enhance their NPS and CSAT measurement strategies. Its ability to integrate with other tools ensures a streamlined workflow.

2. Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a powerful experience management platform that helps businesses measure and improve customer experiences through sophisticated survey tools.


  • Wide Range of Surveys: Provides various survey options, including those specifically for NPS and CSAT.

  • Advanced Analysis Tools: Uses statistical and machine learning tools for deep data analysis.

  • Prescriptive Insights: Offers actionable insights based on survey data.

  • Integration and API Access: Easily connects with other systems and provides API access for custom solutions.


  • Deep Analytical Capabilities: Helps understand the root causes of customer feedback.

  • Tailored Reporting: Customizable reports to highlight relevant data.

  • Global Reach: Supports multiple languages, ideal for international businesses.

Why Qualtrics Stands Out
Qualtrics excels in providing deep analysis and actionable insights, making it a preferred choice for large enterprises needing comprehensive solutions.

3. Medallia

Medallia is a leading customer experience management platform that excels in capturing and analyzing feedback from various customer touchpoints.


  • Multichannel Feedback Collection: Gathers feedback from web, mobile, in-store, and social media.

  • Real-time Insights: Provides immediate data analysis for quick action.

  • Advanced Text Analytics: Analyzes open-ended responses to understand sentiment and themes.

  • Closed-loop Feedback: Ensures collected feedback is acted upon, completing the feedback loop with customers.


  • Comprehensive View: Offers a holistic view of the customer journey.

  • Proactive Engagement: Allows businesses to engage with customers based on real-time feedback.

  • Scalable Solution: Suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Why Medallia Stands Out
Medallia’s ability to capture and analyze feedback from multiple touchpoints provides a complete view of the customer experience. Its real-time analytics and proactive engagement features make it a powerful tool for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Zendesk

Zendesk is well-known for its customer service and engagement platform, which includes robust tools for measuring NPS and CSAT.


  • Integrated Survey Tools: Embeds NPS and CSAT surveys into the customer support process.

  • Unified Dashboard: Centralizes the monitoring and analysis of customer feedback.

  • Automated Workflows: Automates follow-ups and actions based on survey responses.

  • Customizable Surveys: Allows for brand-specific survey customization.


  • Customer Service Focused: Enhances customer service through actionable insights.

  • Operational Efficiency: Automation features streamline follow-up processes.

  • Seamless Integration: Integrates with other Zendesk tools and third-party applications.

Why Zendesk Stands Out
Zendesk’s focus on customer service, combined with powerful survey tools, makes it ideal for businesses looking to integrate NPS and CSAT measurement into their support processes. Its unified dashboard and automation capabilities boost operational efficiency and customer engagement.

5. Wootric

Wootric specializes in customer feedback management, offering a platform focused on real-time collection and analysis of NPS and CSAT data.


  • In-app Surveys: Embeds surveys directly within apps or websites for real-time feedback.

  • AI-powered Analytics: Uses AI to analyze feedback and identify trends and sentiment.

  • Multichannel Feedback: Collects feedback from email, SMS, web, and more.

  • Segmentation: Segments feedback data to understand various customer personas and their experiences.


  • Immediate Insights: Provides real-time insights for quick decision-making.

  • Customer Segmentation: Helps tailor experiences to different customer segments.

  • Ease of Use: Simple setup and user-friendly interface.

Why Wootric Stands Out
Wootric’s emphasis on real-time, in-app feedback collection makes it ideal for businesses aiming to understand customer sentiment instantly. Its AI-powered analytics and segmentation capabilities offer deep insights into different customer personas.

Boosting NPS and CSAT with
In addition to utilizing top-tier NPS and CSAT software, businesses can further enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by implementing advanced customer support tools like ****. is an AI-driven platform that automates and optimizes customer support interactions, leading to significant improvements in NPS and CSAT scores.

Features of

  • AI-powered Chatbots: Employs sophisticated chatbots to handle common customer inquiries efficiently.

  • 24/7 Availability: Provides round-the-clock support, ensuring customers receive help whenever they need it.

  • Personalized Interactions: Uses AI to deliver personalized responses based on customer data and interaction history.

  • Seamless Escalation: Ensures complex issues are escalated smoothly to human agents when necessary.

Benefits of Implementing

  • Improved Response Times: Significantly reduces response times, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

  • Cost Efficiency: Automates routine tasks, freeing human agents to tackle more complex issues.

  • Consistency: Maintains consistent support quality across all customer interactions.

  • Data Insights: Gathers valuable data from customer interactions to further refine support strategies.

Why Enhances NPS and CSAT
By automating routine support tasks and providing personalized, efficient service, helps businesses maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. Faster response times and around-the-clock availability ensure that customers feel valued and heard, directly contributing to improved NPS and CSAT scores.


Choosing the right NPS/CSAT software is crucial for understanding and enhancing customer satisfaction. SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, Medallia, Zendesk, and Wootric each offer unique features and benefits that cater to different business needs. By leveraging these tools, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer feedback, enabling them to make data-driven decisions that drive customer loyalty and business growth. Additionally, implementing advanced customer support tools like can further boost NPS and CSAT scores by enhancing the overall customer support experience.